Wednesday, October 11, 2006

hello, future employers

a lot of you have asked about the names. or, as my mom said, "it's really kind of weird." here's the story: we'd like to keep our full names off of the blog. this allows us to be more open in our postings with you, without being quite so open with future potential employers. (to our future potential employers: we know you google potential employees. it's okay.) we don't plan to post anything salacious; i'd just like to be able to openly discuss science, energy, development, foreign policy, and still be able to get government funding, apply for science policy positions, and collaborate with government labs. (oh wait...) furthermore, a certain other contributor to this site might like a green card one day. (oh wait...) so there you have it: our quasi-anonymity explained.

since we will be involved with yoruba communities in west africa, we have taken it upon ourselves to learn a bit of yoruba. and, like any good students learning a new language (or two: j'apprends a parler francais), we wanted classroom names. so, yoruba 101:

titilayo = joy forever
ayodele = joy has come home



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